Friday, April 30, 2010

He Whistles While He Works...

He is so cheerful while he is working. I love to listen to the little tunes (they are worship songs he has learned at church) he whistles, as they echo along the prairie. He calls me his helper!! But all I really do is follow him and keep him company.
He teaches me about guy stuff, like what the names of the tools are, and that the barbed-wire we are using is called "4 point".

At the end of our day, this was my reward~

We saw dozens of White Crowned Sparrows, and the neighborhood bunny that lives under our deck, the one that loves to nibble on anything that is green. Including my Irises.


  1. You've got to start following the Pioneer Woman sound like her, following her hubby around the ranch with a camera!

  2. What a loving post! He sounds like a really great guy.


  3. This is such a sweet post. You are very blessed to have a hard working husband that whistles hymns!
    I have never seen the white crowned sparrows, so pretty.

  4. Hi Damaris... Isn't it lovely to be so happy to whistle while you work!
    The rabbit may nibble the iris but I am sure looks too cute doing it:-)
    Thanks for visiting!

  5. So nice of you to help hubby. Looks like you live in a fabulous place. I would love to live somewhere like you someday. Far away from the neighbors. And I love that you always seem to end your posts with a reward. It's nice that you find the beauty in everything around you. Thanks for visiting my blog & leaving me such a nice comment.

  6. Looks like you are on a lot of beautiful land. Such fabulous views. Thanks so much for stopping by and the sweetest comment.

  7. What a wonderful blog you have here! I have enjoyed looking around. Your husband sounds like a wonderful person. It is beautiful where you live! Your garden is going to be so wonderful when you create it, surrounded with all of the beauty!

  8. What a sweet post! What a happy fella!


  9. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment. I appreciate you taking the time to comment, and it makes me happy to know that you enjoyed visiting with me! :)

    Your blog is and your husband are just precious and so is your daughter...and your property looks like a little slice of heaven :) It's so pretty out there. Loved the birds, and rabbit pics too!
    Once again, thanks for stopping by my's so nice to meet you. I'll be following your blog too...and I will be back to visit with you again soon.
    Have a nice night...God Bless you!
    Big Hugs,

  10. i can truly say your realization of what a *treasure* you have in a good and godly husband (not to mention handy and hard-working) only increases with time.

  11. Such a sweet post. My husband whistles all the time too. When we first got married and lived in an upstairs apartment I could hear him whistling way before he got to our door! That's how I always knew he was home. Brings back such sweet memories. Two of my boys are whistlers too...just a sign of a content, good natured person, I think! The sparrows and bunny are adorable!

  12. Thank you for your so sweet comment! I'm so thankful you visited me today!

  13. You have such an amazing view!
